
Welcome and thank you for joining me! In this lesson, we will be exploring the popular Christmas song, "Mary, Did You Know." This song is a beautiful and moving composition that can be played at two different levels - beginner and more advanced. Regardless of your current skill level, there is something for everyone to learn in this course.

Let's start with the beginner level. In this version of "Mary, Did You Know," you will learn how to play the melody along with 3-note chords. This is a great starting point for those who are new to playing chords on the piano. We will break down the song into manageable sections and go through each part step by step. By the end of this section, you will be able to play the melody and chords in sync, creating a beautiful and harmonious sound.

For those who are more advanced and looking for a challenge, we have the more advanced level. In this version, we will take the chords from the beginner level and distribute them between both hands. This adds a layer of complexity and allows you to create a fuller sound. We will focus on hand coordination, finger dexterity, and building a sense of rhythm as we go through the piece. By the end of this section, you will have mastered the advanced arrangement of "Mary, Did You Know" and be able to impress your friends and family with your beautiful rendition of this timeless song.

Learning online means you can go as slow or quick as you wish. You can pause, repeat and jump around. It gives you a lot of freedom to learn in your own unique way. Some parts of lessons you will do multiple times and that's OK, no one is watching! Enjoy!

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