
Welcome and thank you for joining this course about the Most Popular Chord Progression in Music! 

It can be daunting to learn and play a chord progression in all 12 keys but when you do it with someone (like you will right here with me) it is more motivating.

Playing the progressions in all the keys is the fastest way I know to lock into the pattern. You will have more Ah Ha moments and your understanding and ability both increase.

Take lots of rests. Remind yourself the first time is the hardest and each subsequent time gets easier. When you are creating new neural pathways in your brain, it can make you sleepy. Feel free to take a nap. That's what I did when I learned these 😊

Your goal is for these progressions to become second nature. You will start to hear them in Beethoven, Gershwin and the Beatles, and you will play them confidently, without thinking.

Let's get started!

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